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This screen is used to define options that will affect the current user's interaction with the program. This includes such items as the user's preferred language, the preferred method of selecting and editing rows, and more. It also allows you to control the email address that will be used for email notifications if the user requests this feature.

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Common Buttons

Visit the Button Descriptions help page to view detailed descriptions of each button that appears on your screen (whether in the Button Bar at the top of the table, or in the table itself). Note: If a button is unavailable (i.e. its text appears in Gray), either the command is not applicable to the current screen, or its function has already been applied (e.g. you clicked the New button for an item that can only be added one time).

Sample command buttons

The following section displays help for the various cells and columns shown in the main table on this screen. If you see a help description on this page for a column that does not appear on your screen, one of the following will apply:

  • The missing item is not included as part of your default view. If you have a user account with the appropriate privileges (as assigned by your payroll administrator), you can add the additional column to your view by using the Customize option under the Views button (located at the left side of the screen just above the main table). Refer to the Customize View help page for more help on this feature.
  • You have an employee Self-Service user account that only permits you to view pay statements and personal information. With limited program privileges, you are not be able to access any of the additional options shown on this help screen.

Accelerated Mode

Use this cell to specify if you want to run eNETEmployer in Accelerated Mode. This mode can speed up screen operations and load times If you are using a slower computer and/or an older website browser. The speed enhancements work by using built-in browser controls vs. some of the newer web components that are included with the program. For example, if you activate Accelerated Mode, any cell that used to display a pop-up calendar will now display a simple text field.

Auto Save

Use this cell to specify if you want to use the Auto Save feature. It can be useful for newer users who may forget to save each row as they make multiple changes. When the option is activated, you can use the paging, sorting, and filtering options and not be concerned about having your unsaved values reset when the browser screen is refreshed. Although activating this feature may add a slight delay to your work flow (because of the Save operation that is performed each time), most modern browsers and internet connections make it barely noticeable. The default setting for this option is "No".


Use this cell to specify if you want to run eNETEmployer in Debug Mode. This mode should be used only when troubleshooting with a CanPay technician as it will slow down the performance of the program.


Use this cell to enter the email address that is associated with each person's user account. Valid email addresses, such as are made up of the name, followed by the @ symbol, followed by a domain. The domain part is not case-sensitive, but the name portion may be, depending on the persons email server settings. Underscores and hyphens are permitted, but other special characters (e.g. #, $, !, quotes and spaces) are not.

The email is used for the following:

User account email addresses are assigned in several ways:

  1. By eNETEmployer - When your company's master administrator account is created, an eNETEmployer repesentative will assign the appropriate email address.
  2. By your company - If you create a user account manually, a valid email address must be entered so that the users will be able to use the Password Reset feature or to receive email notifications. If you do not enter an email address in this cell when you create the account, the user will be prompted to do so the first time they log into the program.

Note: When employee self-service user accounts are created, the user's email address is copied from their payroll settings. However, employees are permitted to use a different email address for their self-service user account if they prefer - their email address in the payroll is used only for sending Pay Statements.

Email Notifications

Use this cell to specify if the user should receive an emailed copy of any messages that are sent in his/her Inbox screen using the Messaging feature. This is useful if the user wishes to receive correspondence while they are not logged into the eNETEmployer program.

Edit Mode

Use this cell to specify if Edit Mode (the state where a row is highlighted and all of its cells and controls are ready for editing) should be active for data tables in each program screen at all times. Refer to the Edit Mode help description for more details on this feature.

Note: Activating edit mode for all pages can result in reduced program performance if you have a large payroll with many employees and items. It is recommended that you use this feature for limited times, such as when you are creating an initial payroll where an "always-on" edit mode would be the most efficient.

Import-Export Separator

Use this cell to specify the character that will be used as your separator when importing or exporting a delimited text file (e.g. comma, semi-colon). The default character is a semi-colon.

Note: If you are importing work hours using the Advanced Tracker Import Format, the import process will ignore the separator entered here because this special format enforces a comma-separator.


Use this cell to specify the preferred language of communication for the current logged in user. The program supports Canada's two official languages: English and French. Choosing an option will display the respective language in the program's data tables, reports, help pages and other program settings. Note: The language option works in conjunction with your internet browser. To apply the language change, simply refresh your browser or navigate to a different page. Editing the cell displays a drop-down list with the following three options:

Reports Password

Use this cell to enter the password that will be required to open reports if you are using the Password Protect option in the Payroll Processing - Reports or Year-End - Print Year-End Forms screens. The password may contain any combination of letters, numbers or special characters. Spaces are also allowed, but only if they appear between other characters (e.g. "abc 123" is acceptable, but " abc123 " with a space before or after is not).

Special Email Password - Pay Statements, T4s, T4As, and RL1s use this user-defined password for printing only, but not for emailing. When you email these report types from within the program, the resulting PDF reports/statements will require a special password consisting of the last 3 numbers of the employee's SIN followed by their 4-digit year of birth. If either of these employee settings are missing in the Employee - Setup Employee screen, the resulting PDF report/statement will not be password protected.

Reset Options

Reset Options - Choose this button to reset the current user's preferences and restore them to the default settings. This can be useful if you wish to return to the state the user was in when he/she first used the program. Changes that can be reset include; checkbox options, drop-down list choices, customized views and email addresses.

Selection Mode

Use this cell to specify if Selection Mode should should be active for all rows at all times. Selection Mode refers to the method where a single mouse-click is used to highlight a given row. When a row is highlighted, it is considered to be "active" and will be included in any subsequent operation that can be applied to a row (e.g. deleting, saving, expanding, etc.). Refer to the Selection Mode help description for more details on this feature.

Show All Employees

Use this cell to specify if all employees should be shown in the various program tables, regardless of their Status (except for Deleted employees who can only be viewed via the Status Parameters screen). By default, employees who have their Status set to Terminated or Deleted, will not appear in any program screen other than Status Parameters. This feature is useful if you wish to create a report that includes terminated and/or historical employees. Editing the cell will display a checkbox where you can specify the two available options: Yes (show all employees regardless of their status - except Deleted employees) or No (show employees who have their status set to either Active, On Leave, Last Pay, or Special).

Note: If you activate this option and subsequently select the Generate Employee User Accounts button in the Payroll tab's Setup Employee screen, a user account will be created for all terminated employees (because they have been made visible in the screen).

Show Dashboard Page

Use this cell to specify if the program's Dashboard page should be displayed each time the user logs into the program. The page is a handy starting point and displays the services that are available for the user along with useful information about the current payroll's status. Editing the cell will display a checkbox where you can specify the two available options: Yes (show the Dashboard screen upon login) or No (do not show the Dashboard screen upon login). Note: If the No option is chosen, the user will be presented with the last active screen they were on in their previous session.


Use the options from this drop-down list to choose from a variety of design themes that you can apply to suit your working style and environment. Use a new theme to adjust your display for varying lighting conditions in your office, or to simply set the mood.