eNETEmployer Help Search.
Use the Search box below to find information from within the eNETEmployer help system. Just type in a word or term and press the button to begin. Look below the search box for more helpful tips on how to refine your search.
Search Tips
- Punctuation, Symbols & Operators - Most punctuation is ignored, but you can use certain special characters and words to obtain more specific search results. For example, a search for paycheque! is recognized by the search program simply as as paycheque (i.e. the exclamation point is ignored). Note: When you search using symbols, do not add any spaces between the symbol and your search terms. For example, a search for -payroll will work, but - payroll will not.
- Remove Words - Use a dash ( - ) before a word to exclude the word from your search results. This is useful for words with multiple meanings, like Jaguar the car brand and jaguar the animal, for example: jaguar speed -car.
- Wildcard Terms - Add an asterisk within your search term to serve as a placeholder for unknown or "wildcard" terms. For example, a search for " payroll * date " would provide search results for pages that contained both "payroll start date" and payroll end date, etc.". Also, you can use wildcards together with quotation marks to find variations of that exact phrase or to remember words in the middle of a phrase. Example: " a * saved is a * earned ".
- Connect Two Words - To search for connected words, add a hyphen between the two words. For example, a search for on-line will find this pair of words either linked together (online) or connected by an underscore (on_line).
- Exact Order - Enclose your search term in quotes to include only those pages with the same words in the same order as what's inside the quotes. Note: Only use this if you're looking for an exact word or phrase, otherwise you will exclude many helpful results. For example, a search term of "payroll end date" would only provide results with that exact term and would exclude a page that contained "the end date of your payroll".
- Exact Word - If you want to search for pages that may have just one of several words, include OR (in capital letters) between the words. Without the OR, your results would typically show only pages that match both terms. Example: payroll start OR end.