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Table Display and Data Controls help iconTable Display and Data Controls

eNETEmployer provides many useful features to help you work efficiently with the program's data tables. This functionality is provided through a variety of icons, buttons and keyboard commands. Use this help page to learn more about the various features that control the data tables throughout the program.

Note: The colors of the various controls shown on this page may differ from those that appear on your program screen. We have used the "eNETEmployer" design theme that displays many of the items in shades of blue. You can change your design theme in the User - Options screen.

Filter Icons   filter payroll rows

These icons are used to control the filtering and display of table rows so you can display data according to your needs. For example, you may use the filter option to view only a subset of data for a page that offers a large amount of rows.

Sort Icons   sort payroll rows

These icons are used to control the sorting of table rows. This can be useful when you have a large amount of rows and wish to work with in an alphabetical or numerical manner. Note: All sort functions are cleared when you exit or reload the page. To retain a sort order indefinitely, set the desired sort order, and then create a new Customized View.


Expand / Collapse / Group Icons   expand, collapse and delete payroll rows

These icons are used to control the viewing of hidden (collapsed) table rows. This can be useful when you have a large amount of employees (that would require many rows to be displayed on the screen) but wish to work with one employee's details at a time. Note: These icons appear only for certain pages where the expand/collapse row functionality is required (e.g. the Employee Earnings screen, the Bank Accounts screen, etc.).


Edit Icons   Payroll row editing icons

These icons are used to control how changes are processed for each row.

Automatic Saving - If you have a number of unsaved changes, remember that eNETEmployer will automatically save them each time a different row becomes selected. This can occur any time you click on a new row, use the mouse to move up or down to a new row, or if you select a command button that causes the current row's selection to be updated (e.g. New, Toggle Edit, Customize View, etc.).

This is important for users who prefer to "queue" numerous changes before they perform a Save operation. While queing multiple changes may save a minimal amount of time between each and every change, it does increase the chance of data loss due to browser connectivity or other factors. If you are working with a large database and prefer the queued approach to data saving, we suggest that you balance it against a practical approach where data changes are saved more frequently in order to mitigate data loss.


Text View Icons   payroll view icons

These icons are used to control the size and attributes of text in the data tables. For example, if you are working with a smaller laptop screen, you can use these features to increase the size of your table text.


Row Display   row display and selection icons

These controls are used to modifying the table row display and for displaying menu options on each screen. These features can be particularly useful when you are working with tables that contain many rows.

Show menu example

Use the following section to learn more about the various menu commands that are available.

Action Menu

  • Save - Clicking this button submits all unsaved changes in the table to the database. If a row is currently being edited, its checkmark (save icon) will be retained so that you can continue making further edits.
  • New - Clicking this button creates a new row item in the current table. The new row will appear at the top of the table, ready for editing. Note: This command only appears for tables that allow rows to be added. For example, the New option will be available for the Earnings screen as you can add many earning items, but the New option will not appear for the Company or Password screens since they only contain one row each.
  • Delete - Clicking this button removes the current row. If you have multiple rows selected, all of the rows will be removed. When you click the button, you are prompted to make sure you want to delete the items as the action cannot be undone. Note: Similar to the New command (see above), this option will only appear for tables with rows that can be deleted.
  • Reload - Clicking this button replaces the data in the current screen with the last saved copy in the database. This is useful if you have made a number of changes to a row and wish to discard them all in one operation. Note: Keep in mind that the program saves the changes to a row each time a new row is selected. Thus, if you edit three rows in succession and then select the Reload button, only the third row will be restored.

Edit Menu

  • Toggle Edit - This command switches from the current mode of editing to the opposing mode (either On or Off). Refer to the Edit Mode description on this help page to learn more about this feature.
  • Edit All - This command activates Edit Mode for all of the rows in the table. Note: If the current table has many rows and columns visible, choosing this command will use an increased amount of your system resources.
  • Accept All - This command saves the changes for all of the rows in the table. Any rows that are currently being edited will have Edit Mode toggled to the Off state.

Global Edit Mode - If the Edit Mode cell is activated in the User - Options screen, the preceding Edit commands will not appear in the contextual menus.

Selection Menu

  • Select All - This command selects all of the visible rows in the current table (i.e. highlights all of them). This can be useful if you wish to perform a batch action for all rows. Refer to the Selection Mode description on this help page to learn more about this feature.
  • Clear Selection - This command deactivates Selection Mode for all of the rows in the table.
  • Reverse Selection - This command changes the selection to the opposing mode for all of the rows in the table. Any rows that were selected will be unselected and any unselected rows will become highlighed.

Expand / Collapse Menu

  • Expand - This command reveals additional rows and cells that are available for the row. Refer to the Expand description on this help page to learn more about this feature.
  • Collapse - This command hides additional rows and cells that are available for the row. Refer to the Collapse description on this help page to learn more about this feature.
  • Expand All - This command reveals additional rows and cells (if available) for all of the rows in the table.
  • Collapse - This command hides additional rows and cells (that were previously revealed) for all of the rows in the table.

Navigation Menu

  • Back (Ctrl+Left) - This command allows you to navigate quickly to the previous screen in your program navigation history (i.e. the most recent screen you were viewing, prior to the current screen). The command displays the name of the screen that will be displayed if the command is chosen. You can also press the <Ctrl+Left Arrow> keys on your computer keyboard to perform the same function. Note: This menu item will appear as "None" until you build a navigation history that can be traversed (i.e. you have navigated to at least two program screens).
  • Forward (Ctrl+Right) - This command allows you to navigate quickly to the next screen in your program navigation history. The menu item displays the name of the screen that will be displayed if the command is chosen. You can also press the <Ctrl+Right Arrow> keys on your computer keyboard to perform the same function. Note: This menu item will appear as "None" until you build a navigation history that can be traversed (i.e. you have navigated to at least two program screens).
  • Previous (Left) - This command allows you to navigate quickly to the previous logical screen based on the order shown in the Menu Bar at the top of the page. The menu item displays the name of the screen that will be displayed if the command is chosen. You can also press the <Left Arrow> key on your computer keyboard to perform the same function.
  • Next (Right) - This command allows you to navigate quickly to the next logical screen based on the order shown in the Menu Bar at the top of the page. The menu item displays the name of the screen that will be displayed if the command is chosen. You can also press the <Right Arrow> key on your computer keyboard to perform the same function.

Selection Mode   row display and selection icons

These controls are used for controling your method of choosing (highlighting) rows and will only appear if Selection Mode has been deactivated from the Options page. Selection Mode is a global setting that applies to all pages.

Edit Mode - This mode is distinct from Selection Mode, however the two features function in tandem. Edit Mode refers to the state where a row is highlighted and all of its various controls (e.g. cells, drop-down lists, checkboxes, etc.). are ready for editing. This mode can be useful in certain cases such as during the payroll setup process when you are constantly entering large amounts of data on each screen and want to save the time of having to explicitly activate Edit Mode for each row you encounter.

Edit mode can be activated in a number of ways. Depending on your preference, this mode can be applied to individual pages, the current session only, or to all pages at all times.

To work in Edit Mode for single pages:

To work in Edit Mode for multiple pages: