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Each screen contains a series of command buttons in the button bar at the top of the table. These buttons allow you to perform specific functions within the context of the current screen. For example, if you are on the Setup Employee screen, choosing the New button will add an employee, whereas choosing the New button on other screens will add a different type of item altogether.
Context-Specific Buttons - Although many of the same buttons appear on each screen, certain buttons are displayed on specific screens only. For example, if you are on the Earning Items screen, you can update the earning rates for all employees in one step by choosing the Update All Rates button from the button bar. This button does not appear anywhere else in the program. Similarly, if you are in the Calculations page, a Calculate button will appear on that page only.
Don't see a button on your screen? - If you are an employee with limited program privileges (e.g. you have an employee Self-Service user account), then certain buttons will not be displayed. |
Use the following list to view an alphabetical listing of all common and specialized buttons. Some are context sensitive and will appear on a specific screen only, and some buttons appear in certain modules only (as indicated in each section below).
Accept All - Clicking this button deactivates Edit Mode for all visible rows and saves all of the changes that have been made to each row. When the button is chosen, its label will change back to read Edit All so that you can toggle in and out of Edit Mode easily.
Audit - This button allows you to view a list of changes that have been made to the current row. Choosing the button opens the Audit History window where item changes are shown in colored text. Note: Audit History is a developing feature and subject to updates as new functionality is added.
Backup - Clicking this button creates a backup file that contains your complete company database. This includes the information from all program modules (Payroll, HR, Recruitment, etc.) - all of the necessary information required to restore your data to the last program state when the backup was created. Depending on your browser settings, the backup file will either be stored in your Downloads folder or you may be presented with a window that will prompt you where to save the file. Click here to view a detailed description of the Backup command.
Browse - This button allows you to specify the file that will be used for the current action (see below). When you click the button, a window will appear so that you can locate the desired file. Once you have selected a file, its name will appear to the right of the Browse button. This button appears when using the following two features:
Collapse All - Clicking this button to hides (collapses) any rows that have previously been revealed (uncollapsed). Once selected, the Expand Row icon will appear once again at the head of the row. Note: If you make changes to your data and collapse the rows without saving the changes (via the Save icon), the changes will automatically be saved.
Create User Account - This button is available on multiple program screens; the Employer tab's Setup Employee screen, the Payroll tab's Setup Employee screen, and the HR tab's Setup Employee screen. Choosing the button creates an employee Self-Service user account for the selected employee.
Note: If an employee does not have a valid email assigned, a self-service user account will not be created for them.
Create Employee User Accounts - This button is available on multiple program screens; the Employer tab's Admin - Users and Employee - Setup Employee screens, the Payroll tab's Employee - Setup Employee screen, and the HR tab's Employee - Setup Employee screen. Choosing the button creates an employee Self-Service user account for multiple employees in your payroll (with some conditions - see below). Note: As mentioned in the note above, self-service user accounts created with these buttons have limited program privileges.
The button performs a slightly different function, depending on the screen on which the button is chosen:
Note: If an employee does not have a valid email assigned, a self-service user account will not be created for them.
Further Information - You can also view the Employee Self-Service User Accounts Overview tutorial for detailed instructions on creating these accounts. You can also view the Payroll tab's Employee - Setup Employee screen for further details on self-service accounts and terminated employees, misplaced login credentials and more. |
Delete - Clicking this button removes the current row from the table. If you have multiple rows selected, all of the rows will be removed. When you click the button, you are prompted to make sure you want to delete the item(s) as the action cannot be undone. Note: Care should be taken when deleting an item(s) as they may be associated with other items in your database. See the Deleting Linked Items note below for more information.
Deleting Items of Varying Types - Please note that certain items require special consideration before deleting. For example, employees with existing YTD values, earnings/deductions/benefits that are associated/linked with other items. Please refer to the "Deleting Linked Items" note below for detailed information on the various types of items. |
Some screens contain sub-rows that will appear under the main row that you are deleting. If you see an Expand icon () at the leftmost side of the row, you may wish to expand the main row to ensure that you are deleting the proper items. Note: If you are presented with an error message stating that "the first item should be deleted last", it indicates that you must delete all of the sub rows first before you can delete the main row. For screens that offer a Trash icon (
) to the left of the main row, you can choose the icon to remove the row and all of it's sub-rows in one action.
If you attempt to delete an item and receive the following message: "Cannot delete "Item". It is referenced by the following:", it means that the item is associated (linked) with another item in the program. The item cannot be deleted until you remove the link between the two items. Here is a list of the most common linked items, along with basic instruction on how to remove the association:
Documents - Clicking this button opens the Documents window so that you can manage the attachments that are associated with the current item.
Edit All - Clicking this button changes all visible rows to Edit Mode in order to facilitate easy data entry and editing. When the button is chosen, its label will change to read Accept All. If the Accept All button is selected, all of your changes will be saved and Edit Mode will be deactivated for all of the rows.
Expand All - Clicking this button reveals (expands) any rows that are collapsed. When the button is chosen, its label will change to read Collapse All so that you can toggle the row display and hide (collapse) all of the rows once again.
Help - Clicking this button displays a list of the various tutorials and online help tools that are provided for the current screen. The Online Help option provides a detailed description of each column and item on the current screen. The Step-by-Step option provides a tutorial for the current screen where you can follow along with the lesson one step at a time.
Import - This button allows you to import data from the character-separated (comma or semi-colon) spreadsheet file that is specified in the field to the right of the Browse button. Upon successful import, the screen will refresh and the current table's data will be updated/replaced with the imported data. A message will also appear at the top of the table indicating;
If you do not designate a file via the Browse button, the import process will not be carried out. Note: The imported file must adhere to the exact format required for the table, otherwise it cannot be used for import.
New - This button allows you insert a new row (item) in the current table. Clicking the button adds the new row at the top of the table and activates Edit Mode so you can enter the data required for each cell. Note: If this button includes a drop-down list immediately to its right, you must first select an item from the list so that the new row will be based on the chosen list item.
Print - Clicking this button opens the Print window so that you can print a copy of the current table. A preview of the table will appear in the window before printing so that you can adjust the print settings as needed.
Reload - Clicking this button refreshes the browser page and replaces the data in the current screen with the last saved copy from the database. This is useful if you have made a number of changes to a row and wish to discard them all in one operation. Note: Remember that eNETEmployer saves the changes to a row each time a new row is selected. Thus, if you edit three rows in succession and then select the Reload button, only the third row will be restored.
Save - Clicking this button saves all pending table changes to the program database. If a row is currently being edited, the changes will be saved and the row's checkmark () will remain so that you can continue making further edits.
Toggle Edit - Clicking this button switches from the current mode of editing (either On or Off), to the opposing mode. When the controls for a given row (cells, drop-down lists, checkboxes, etc.) are active and ready for editing, the row is considered to be in Edit Mode. For example, if you have row number one highlighted in the table, selecting the Toggle Edit button will display the editing icons for the row ( ) so you can begin making changes. Toggling the edit mode once again will remove the edit icons and save any changes you have made. Refer to the Edit Mode help page to learn more about this feature. Note: If you activate the Edit Mode cell in the User - Options screen, the Toggle Edit button will not appear on the button bar.
Tools - Clicking the button displays a drop-down menu with special data functions that are available for the current screen. Depending on the which screen you are viewing, the options may include any of all of the following:
Views - This button allows you to work with the Customize View feature. Choosing the button displays a drop-down menu that contains any custom views that have been saved, and also provides the option to create new custom views. Refer to the Customize View help page to learn more about this feature.
Banner - Available on the Admin - Tools screen only, Clicking this button allows you to specify a banner image that will appear at the top of your Recruitment web page. Refer to the Admin - Tools help page for more information on this feature.
Logo - Available on the Admin - Tools screen only, Clicking this button allows you to specify logo image that will appear at the top of the Pay Statements (Pressure Seal) report. Refer to the Admin - Tools help page for more information on this feature.
Open - This button activates (opens) the selected payroll for use and immediately redirects you to the most recent screen that you were viewing on the Payroll tab.
Add Accumulator - This button allows you to apply an accumulator to the current employee. Clicking the button displays a list of accumulators that have been defined in the Current Payroll - Accumulators screen. When you choose an option from this list, a new row appears to the right of the button and contains the accumulator's settings.
Add Ded & Den - This button allows you to apply a deduction and/or benefit to the current employee. Clicking the button displays a list of deduction and benefit items that have been defined in either of the Current Payroll - Deductions or Current Payroll - Benefits screens. When you choose an option from this list, a new row appears to the right of the button and contains the deduction or benefit's settings.
Add Earning - This button allows you to apply an earning to the current employee. Clicking the button displays a list of earnings that have been defined in the Current Payroll - Earnings screen. When you choose an option from this list, a new row appears to the right of the button and contains the earning's settings.
Add Variable - Use this button to insert a new variable sub-row. Each of these sub-rows can be thought of as an argument that consists of an Item assignment, a Type designation and a Symbol.
Apply - Use this button to apply the current template settings to all employee who already have the template assigned to them in the Setup Employee screen. This option is typically used when an employee has already been created.
Approve All - Use this button to mark all T4s or T4A's as "approved" and ready for viewing by your employees. This will immediately make the T4/T4As visible in each employee's self-service user account the next time that they log in (or after a screen refresh they are already logged in). Note: You can remove a T4/T4A from a specific employee's user account by removing the check from the employee's Approved cell in the Year End - Edit T4s or Year End - Edit T4As screens respectively.
Calculate - This button allows you to initiate the payroll calculation process for one or more payrolls (depending on which of the two following screens you are currently viewing):
Close - Available on the two payroll Calculation screens only, this button allows you to finalize the pay cycle by closing the current pay sequence. Clicking the button displays a pop-up message notifying you that closing the pay will prevent you from making any further adjustments. Choose Yes to proceed or No to cancel the close request.
Note: If you encounter an issue that needs to be corrected after the pay has been closed, you can use the Unclose button to reopen the pay run. You can also use the Restore button to restore your payroll to a previous state.
Pay Statements in Self-Service User Accounts - Each time you close a payroll, the corresponding period's Pay Statement will become available in each employee's Self-Service User Account. |
Download - Clicking this button generates the T4 in PDF format so that you can review its details for accuracy. When you click the button, the program calculates the data displays the results in a PDF file.
Email - Clicking this button immediately sends pay statements (pay stubs) to applicable employees via email. The statements will only be sent to employees that have a valid email address defined for them in the Employee - Setup Employee screen. Employees with no email address will have their statement sent to a printer device. Refer to the Employee - Setup Employee help page for more information on this feature.
Generate Report - This button generates the current report based on the current payroll's data. The report results are saved in the applicable format for the chosen report. Depending on your browser settings, the file will either be stored in your Downloads folder, or you may be presented with a window that will prompt you where to save the file.
Generate T4s - Available on the Year End - Edit T4s screen only, this button creates T4s (and RL-1s where applicable) for all of the employees in the current payroll, based on the data for the year that is selected in the drop-down list to the right of this button. Once the process is complete, a message will appear (in the notification bar above the table) showing the number of T4s that have been created. Other messages may also appear indicating steps you may have to take if the procedure was not completed successfully. View the Year End - Edit T4s help screen for more information on this button.
Note: Clicking this button will overwrite any T4s that have been previously created using the Generate T4s button. If you need to generate T4s for all employees but have made edits to one or more T4s, these edits will be overwritten. If you wish to retain such changes indefinitely, you can either export them to a spreadsheet (using the Export button) or refrain from using the Generate T4s button for the selected year once edits have been made. T4s that were created manually using the New button will remain unchanged.
Generate T4A's - Available on the Year End - Edit T4As screen only, this button creates T4A's for all of the employees in the current payroll, based on the data for the year that is selected in the drop-down list to the right of this button. Once the process is complete, a message will appear (in the notification bar above the table) showing the number of T4A's that have been created. Other messages may also appear indicating steps you may have to take if the procedure was not completed successfully. View the Year End - Edit T4As help screen for more information on this button.
Note: Clicking this button will overwrite any T4A's for that have been previously created using the Generate T4A's button. If you need to generate T4A's for all employees but have made edits to one or more T4A's, these edits will be overwritten. If you wish to retain such changes indefinitely, you can either export them to a spreadsheet (using the Export button) or refrain from using the Generate T4A's button for the selected year once any edits have been made. T4A's that were created manually using the New button will remain unchanged.
Load Sequence - Available on the Payroll Calculations - Transactions screen only, Clicking this button loads each employee's payroll transactions for the pay sequence that is displayed in the drop-down list that appears to the right of the button. Refer to the Payroll Calculations - Transactions screen for more information on this feature.
Quick View - Clicking this button displays the current report's content in a pop-up window without having to produce a PDF in advance. The window provides a number of useful viewing options such as a text search, zoom, print and more.
Reset Options - Clicking this button resets the current user's preferences and restore them to the default settings. This can be useful if you wish to return to the state the user was in when he/she first used the program.
Restore - This button allows you to restore your entire employer database to the state defined in your chosen backup file. Choosing the button opens the Restore Employer Data page (see below) where you can choose the location of your backup (.DAT) file. Click here to view a detailed description of the Restore command.
Review - Clicking this button displays the Calculation Review report that provides a list of exceptions/warnings that were encountered during the payroll calculation.
Test - Clicking this button runs a test of the current report to see if your data will pass the requirements for a correct payroll calculation. This can be useful if you have a large payroll and wish to avoid generating a large PDF that may contain data entry errors that still need to be corrected.
Unclose - Clicking this button reopens the payroll, allowing you to make changes or corrections if needed. Refer to the Payroll Calculations - Calculation screen's Unclose description for further details.
Update All Rates - Available on the Employee - Earning Items screen only, Clicking this button updates all earning rates that have changed and that are based on the value of another. For example, if the rate for a Regular earning is set to $12 per hour and your Overtime rate is set to 1.5 times the Regular rate, the resulting Overtime rate will be calculated at $18 per hour. If you then change the Regular rate to $20 per hour, you will need to Select the Update All Rates button that is located above the table so that the Overtime rate's displayed value changes to $30 accordingly. If you do not select the Update All Rates button, the Overtime rate will remain 1.5 times the original value of the edited Regular rate.
Update Rates - Available on the Employee - Earning Items screen only, Clicking this button updates any earning rates that have changed for the current employee and that are based on the value of another. For example, if the rate for a Regular earning is set to $12 per hour and your Overtime rate is set to 1.5 times the Regular rate, the resulting Overtime rate will be calculated at $18 per hour. If you then change the Regular rate to $20 per hour, you will need to Select the Update All Rates button that is located above the table so that the Overtime rate's displayed value changes to $30 accordingly. If you do not Select the Update All Rates button that is located above the table, the Overtime rate will remain 1.5 times the original value of the Regular rate.
View - Clicking this button displays the T4, T4A, or RL-1 information in a pop-up window without having to produce a PDF in advance. The window provides a number of useful viewing options such as a text search, zoom, print and more.
Add Answer - Use this button to add an answer for the current question. When the button is chosen, a new sub-row will appear with its cells ready for editing. The new Answer # will increment by one, based on the highest answer number that already exists for the current question.
Add Step - Use this button to insert a new sub-row to the current step. When this button is selected, the new step sub-row will appear in the table with the rate fields active and ready for editing.
Organization Chart - Available on the Employer HR - Positions screen only, choose this button to open a window that displays an organization chart based your current positional hierarchy. Each node in the chart will be ordered based on the relationship that you have defined in the Supervisor cell for each position. Refer to the Employer HR - Positions help page for more information on this feature.
Photo - Clicking this button opens the Photo window so that you can upload an image of the current employee.
Add Question - This button allows you to add a new question to the current questionnaire. When you select the button, you are presented with a new row at the top of the table so you can begin composing the question. If the current row was collapsed, it will be expanded so that you can view the other questions as reference.
Copy to Clipboard - Clicking this button copies the job post's URL to your computer's virtual clipboard (i.e. your computer's memory). A message appears indicating that the URL text has been copied.
Job Description Documents - Clicking this button opens the Documents window so that you can manage the attachments that are associated with the current job.
Post Job - Clicking this button posts the current job to your live Recruitment web page.
Add Attachments - Use this button to include external files in your message. Though most commonly used when you are creating a message (i.e. in the Compose screen), this button is available for messages in all mailboxes. Multiple file formats are supported, such as word processing documents, work schedules, spreadsheets, images, etc. Choosing this button displays a pop-up message indicating that you will momentarily leave the current eNETEmployer screen while you add the attachment(s). When the pop-up appears, choose Yes to proceed or No to remain on the current screen. Choosing Yes displays the Load Message Attachments screen where you are presented with the various items that have been included with the message.
Open - Clicking this button exits the current screen and takes you directly to the corresponding mailbox that you selected.
Reply - Clicking this button directs you to the Compose window so that you can compose a follow up message that will be addressed to sender of the original message.
Send - Clicking this button forwards the current message to the recipient(s) shown in the To cell. Once the message is sent, eNETEmployer returns you to the Inbox screen.
View Attachments - Clicking this button displays the Open Message Attachments screen where you can view attachments that have been included with the current message.