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eNETEmployer Dashboard View the next screen based on the program's menu orderView the previous screen based on the program's menu order

Use this screen to navigate to directly to the eNETEmployer service of your choice and to view useful payroll and employer information.

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Choose a service to begin:

Select an icon to open the desired eNETEmployer service. Each icon corresponds to the series of Tabs that are visible on each program screen. If an icon appears in grey, it indicates that the corresponding service has not been activated for your account or that you have limited program privileges. Please speak with an eNETEmployer Services representative for more information on other eNETEmployer services.


This section displays useful payroll and employer information.

Show this dashboard screen next login

Select this checkbox to specify if the program's Dashboard screen should be displayed each time the user logs into the program. The Dashboard is a useful starting point and displays the available services that are available for the user. Note: If the check is removed from this box, you will be returned to the last active screen that you were viewing the next time you log in to the program. If you remove the checkbox and wish to reactivate the Dashboard at a later time, you can do so easily by choosing the Show Dashboard Screen checkbox from the Options screen.