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Icons, buttons, menus, and controls help iconIcons, Buttons, Menus and Controls

Each eNETEmployer screen provides a variety of icons, menus, buttons and controls that allow you to navigate through various screens and perform required functions. Use the following screen to view help descriptions for each of these items. The page is divided into two categories; Tabs, Menus and Buttons (that control basic navigation and program access) and Table Display and Data Controls (that control the data table on each program screen).

Menus, Tabs and Buttons

The top of each eNETEmployer screen contains tabs and menus to help you navigate to each screen. Use the following links to learn more about the various controls that you will see throughout the program:

  • Tabs - Options for accessing each module in the program. Payroll Tabs
  • Menu Bar - Options for navigating the various program screens. Program Menus

Command Buttons

The top of each eNETEmployer screen a bar with a series of command buttons. Use the following links to learn more about the various buttons that you will see throughout the program:

  • Button Bar - Options for performing context and screen-specific functions. Payroll Buttons

Table Display and Data Controls

Each eNETEmployer screen contains a data table on the lower portion of the page. Each table contains a number of controls that allow you to interect with the data in each row and cell. Click on an item below to view a detailed description of each set of options.

  • Customize View - Reorder the table columns and display by choosing from a saved set of custom layouts. Customize view default icon
  • Filter - Options for filtering table rows to control the data you wish to show or hide. Filter payroll row icons
  • Sort - Options for sorting table rows to display data in an alphabetical or numerical manner. Sort payroll column icons
  • Edit - Options for saving and canceling changes to table data. Edit payroll row icons
  • Text View - Options for modifying the display of text in data tables. Payroll text view icons
  • Row Display - Control the row display and menu options in data tables. Payroll row display icons
  • Selection - Options for controlling the row selection in data tables. Payroll selection mode icons
  • Show Menu - Icon for controlling many data table and screen functions. Show Properties menu icon