Entering Your Payroll's Name and Address (Payroll Tab)
This tutorial will show you how to enter basic information about your company (the business who is subscribed to the eNETEmployer service). Some of the information may be initially populated by eNETEmployer Services, while other items must be completed by the company who is using the service.
NOTE: Click on the images below to view them at full size
To define your company's name and address information:
- Select the Payroll tab and then choose the Current Payroll - Name & Address menu option. This displays the Name & Address screen that is used to define information about the company who is subscribed to the eNETEmployer service.
Name & Address Help page...
Fig. 01: The "Name and Address" command under the Payroll tab's Current Payroll menu.
- Double-click on the first row in the table to activate Edit Mode for the cells. If your company has only one payroll, you will see that some of this information is similar to the details that appear in the Employer tab's Name & Address screen.
- Edit the various cells as they relate to your payroll (press <F1> to use the Online Help system if you need to look up a definition for the various cells).
Example: In Fig. 02 below, we have defined the basic information for our business, including our telephone number and mailing address.
Fig. 02: The Name and Address screen with completed sample data.
- Once your data is complete, select the Save icon (the check mark icon at the left side of the row). This accepts the changes and the Edit Mode icons are removed to indicate that the row changes have been saved. You can also choose the Save button from the Button Bar above the table.
This completes the tutorial on entering your company's basic name and address information.
Note: If you are working through the payroll setup process in order, you will need to continue through the Current Payroll menu to finish entering the data that is required for your new company.
See Also: