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Pay Types Overview

eNETEmployer allows you to process different types of pay runs based on the reason for the run. This includes Normal runs (where all employees are paid part of your regular ongoing cycle), and Additional, Extra and Reversal runs (where employees are paid outside of your regular payroll schedule).

eNETEmployer Pay Types

Normal - This is the default method and is the most common used pay type. This method processes all active employees in the payroll using their assigned earning, deduction and accumulator settings.

Additional - This pay type is used to calculate a special pay run for employees where the pay amounts need to be combined with other pay runs in the same period (in order to correctly calculate taxes). Note: Employees must be set to the Special status in order to be included in this pay run (see The "Special" Status note below).

Extra - This pay type is used to calculate a special pay run where its taxes will be included as part of the next Normal pay run. Note: Employees must be set to the Special status in order to be included in this pay run (see The "Special" Status note below).

Reversal (Special) - This pay type is used to cancel the effects of a previous pay run for one or more specific employees. Note: Employees must be set to the Special status in order to be included in this pay run (see The "Special" Status note below). Also, see the Reversal (All) option below for if you wish to perform this action for all employees at once).

Reversal (All) - This pay type is used to cancel the effects of a previous pay run for all employees in the previous pay run.

Common Scenarios

The following list offers common payroll situations and the correct pay type that should be used for each.

See Also