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Importing Employees using an Employee Template

This tutorial will show you how to use an employee template to import employees from the Employee Database to add them to the current payroll. The template method speeds up the process of adding new employees by automatically applying various settings to each new employee as they are added.

Importing Employees from a Different Payroll - When you import employees from a different payroll, only basic payroll information is included (e.g. name, address, birth date, etc.) - their year-to-date information from the other payroll is not included.

NOTE: Click on the images below to view them at full size

To import employees using an employee template

  1. From the Payroll tab, open the Employee - Import Employee screen that lists employees who exist in the Employee Database (i.e. outside of the current payroll).

    Import Employees Help Screen...

    Example: In Fig. 01 below, we see three employees from our Employee Database. Each of these employees are currently part of a different payroll.

    Fig. 01: The Import Employees screen lists employees who exist outside of the current payroll.
    Fig. 01: The Import Employees screen lists employees who exist outside of the current payroll.

    We will now import these three employees along with their basic settings only (as mentioned in the note at the top of this page).

  2. Select all of the employees who are to be imported into your current (open) payroll. You can select multiple employees by clicking on the first employee in the list to highlight the row, and then holding down the <Ctrl> key on your keyboard as you click on other employee rows.
    Example: In Fig. 02 below, we have highlighted our three available employees.
  3. Fig. 02: Three employees are highlighted and ready to be imported in the current payroll.
    Fig. 02: Three employees are highlighted and ready to be imported in the current payroll.
  4. Move to the drop-down list beside the Import Employees button and select the desired employee template.
    Example: In Fig. 03 below, we will choose the Hourly option. The Hourly employee template contains numerous settings that are applicable to employees who work varying hours each pay period. This includes regular hourly earnings, deductions that are applied to hourly workers only, and other non-salary items.
    Fig. 03: You must select the desired template from the list before the Import Employees button is pressed.
    Fig. 03: You must select the desired template from the list before the "Import Employees" button is pressed.
  5. Once you have selected the desired employee template from the drop-down list, choose the Import Employees button. After the import process is complete, the highlighted employees are removed from the list.
  6. To view your newly imported employees along with some of the settings that have been assigned to them, choose the Employee - Pay Parameters menu command. When the screen appears, you will see the imported employees along with the settings that you defined in your employee template.
    Example: In Fig. 04 below, our three employees have been assigned a WCB rate setting along with an Hourly Statistic Code, as defined in the template that was applied.
  7. Fig. 04: The newly imported employees appear at the bottom of the list with their pre-defined settings.
    Fig. 04: The newly imported employees appear at the bottom of the list with their pre-defined settings.

    If you review the various employee-related screens, you will see other hourly settings that have been applied to the imported employees - settings that were included in the chosen employee template.

    This completes the tutorial on importing employees (from the Employee Database) using an employee template.

See Also: