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Pay Statements

This report displays the current pay information for each employee for a given pay period. Since each province has its own legislation related to the information required on the pay statement, you can use the various options in the row to adjust your data as needed. For example, to include borders and column titles on the report, activate the Background cell's checkbox prior to generating the report.

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Section 1: Payroll Details

The top section of the report display a number of items that identify the pay run for which the report was created. These items include:

Section 2: Earnings

This first section of the table shows the employee's earning amounts for both the current period and the year-to-date (YTD). This includes:

The bottom row of this section shows both the NET PAY and GROSS pay amount.

Section 3: Deductions

This section of the table shows the employee's deduction amounts for both the current period and the year-to-date (YTD).

See Also