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This screen allows you to work with all aspects of program reporting including printing, viewing, and exporting. You can work with various pre-defined reports that are included with the program or you can create customized reports to suit your specific situation.
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Unavailable Columns: When a report column is not applicable for a given report, the column will be unavailable for editing. For example the Background option can be applied to the Pay Statements report but cannot be used for the Journal Entry or Payroll Register reports (i.e. these latter two reports cannot be assigned a special background). Therefore, each report will allow modification for only those table columns that apply. Some report types may only provide a few user-definable options and will have a limited amount of editable cells in the table. View all Report Columns - Click Here to view a complete list of the available report columns and the options that can be applied on a per-report basis. |
Visit the Button Descriptions help page to view detailed descriptions of each button that appears on your screen (whether in the Button Bar at the top of the table, or in the table itself). Note: If a button is unavailable (i.e. its text appears in Gray), either the command is not applicable to the current screen, or its function has already been applied (e.g. you clicked the New button for an item that can only be added one time).
The following section of this help page describes the various columns that can appear in the main table on this screen. If you see a column description below that does not appear on your screen, you can add the column to your view by using the Customize option under the Views button (located at the left side of the screen just above the table). Refer to the Customize View help page for more help on this feature. |
Available for the Employee Profile report only, use this cell to specify the accumulators that are to be included in the report. Note: This cell works in tandem with the Options cell - you must have the Acc option selected in the Option cell's checkbox in order to have these accumulators included in the report. Editing the cell displays a drop-down menu where you can choose various options that may be assigned via its corresponding checkbox. The options in this list are comprised of accumulators that have been entered in the Current Payroll - Accumulators screen. The menu also includes a search box at the top where you can type in a word (or words) and have matching items displayed quickly in the list.
Available for the Record of Employment (ROE) and the three Pay Statement reports only, use this cell to specify if a background should be included when any of these four reports are printed. Depending on the chosen report type, the background can include outlines, borders, column titles, and form layouts. These backgrounds make the report easier to read by enclosing the data within the appropriate borders and form fields. If you are using pre-printed company statement forms, you should remove the check from this cell to ensure that your printouts include only the data with no additional borders or forms.
Note: The background will only appear for reports that are generated for closed pay runs. If you generate one of these four reports using an open payroll, the background will be replaced with the word Interim as a watermark on the page (except for Pay Statements, which will exclude the interim watermark).
Available for the three Pay Statement report types only, use this cell to specify if the employee's date of birth should be included on their pay statement. Birth dates are not shown on pay statements by default (for privacy purposes), and must be explictly included if needed.
Use this cell to control the bottom alignment of the page for your printed cheques and reports. If your printed data needs to be shifted up from the bottom of the page, enter a numerical value, and then generate the report once again to see the effect. The higher the value, the more offset the print will appear. Pixels are used as the unit of measurement. One pixel equals 0.26458333 mm (e.g. 10 pixels = 2.65 mm).
Available for the two Pay Statements with Cheques reports only, use this cell to specify if the cheque should be placed at the top of the statement forms. If this cell is set to Yes (i.e. the box is checked) the cheque portion will be printed at the top of each form, followed by the cheque stubs further down the page.
Available for the two Pay Statements with Cheques reports only, use this cell to specify if the cheque should include the MM DD YYYY labels to assist in reading the cheque's issue date. This can be useful for dates that include similar numbers (e.g. the numerical representation of February 2, 2016 would read: 02 02 2016). If this cell is set to Yes (i.e. the box is checked) the labels will appear directly under the cheque's issuing date.
Available for the two Pay Statements with Cheques reports only, use this cell to specify the starting number in the cheque numbering sequence (if you are including cheque numbers on the statement). The numbering sequence begins with the number defined in the cell and, will increment by 1 for each subsequent cheque in the sequence.
Available for the Employee Profile report only, use this cell to specify the deductions and benefits that are to be included in the report. Note: This cell works in tandem with the Options cell - you must have the Ded&Ben option selected in the Option cell's checkbox in order to have these deductions and benefits included in the report. Editing the cell displays a drop-down menu where you can choose various options that may be assigned via its corresponding checkbox. The options in this list are comprised of items that have been entered in either the Current Payroll - Deductions and/or Current Payroll - Benefits screens. The menu also includes a search box at the top where you can type in a word (or words) and have matching items displayed quickly in the list.
Available for the Journal Entry report only, this cell allows you to specify if the report should include a breakdown of individual employee amounts along with their account allocations when the report is created. If you do not select this option, the report will only show the account numbers along with their overall totals (with no breakdown provided).
Email - Available for the Pay Statements and Pay Statements (Pressure Seal Mailer) reports only, select this button to send pay statements to applicable employees via email. The statements will only be sent to employees that have a valid email address defined for them in the Employee - Setup Employee screen. Note: The emailed statements will be addressed as coming from the person who is designated as the Administration contact type as defined in the Current Payroll - Contacts screen.
Employees with no email address: If you have employees without an email address, you can use the Generate Report button on this row to send their statements to a printer device. When the Generate Report button is selected, only those employees without an email address will be included in the report. |
Available for the Pay Statements and Pay Statements (Pressure Seal Mailer) reports only, use this cell to specify if the pay statements (pay stubs) should be made available for emailing to applicable employees. Checking the box will enable the Email button in the Email cell (refer to the Email help description for more information).
Available for the Employee Profile report only, use this cell to specify the earnings that are to be included in the report. Note: This cell works in tandem with the Options cell - you must have the Earn option selected in the Option cell's checkbox in order to have these earnings included in the report. Editing the cell displays a drop-down menu where you can choose various options that may be assigned via its corresponding checkbox. The options in this list are comprised of items that have been entered in the Current Payroll - Earnings screen. The menu also includes a search box at the top where you can type in a word (or words) and have matching items displayed quickly in the list.
Available for the two Pay Statements with Cheques reports only, use this cell to prevent void cheques from being generated for employees who have already been included in an EFT run (and where you need to create printed cheques for the same period). For example, if your EFT run contained an incorrect employee bank account number (thus the employee was not paid), you would: 1) correct the employee's account; 2) place a check in this box, 3) create/issue a printed cheque to pay the employee who was missed in the original EFT run.
Available for all reports (except the Journal Entry), use this cell to specify the employees that should be included when the corresponding report is created. Editing the cell displays a drop-down menu where you can choose the employees that may be included via their corresponding checkbox. The menu also includes a search box at the top where you can type in a name (or part of a name) and have matching employees displayed quickly in the list.
Available for the Employee Profile and Workers' Compensation (WCB) reports only, this cell allows you to specify the pay period on which the report's end date will be based. Editing the cell displays a drop-down menu where you can choose from a list of available pay periods. Note: It is suggested that this feature be used to create reports that use the most recent closed pay run as the End Date. If you choose a current pay period that is not yet closed, the resulting report will not contain any valid data.
Generate Report - Use this button to create the corresponding report that is defined in the Type cell for the chosen row. Choosing the button generates the report data and the results are stored in the designated format (PDF, CSV, EFT, TPP, or BLK). Note: Depending on your browser settings, PDF files will either be stored in your Downloads folder or you may be presented with a window that will prompt you where to save the file.
Click Here view detailed descriptions of each report type.
Available for all report types (except the following three: Employee Profile, Journal Entry and Journal Entry Export), this cell is used to specify whether the report's data is to be grouped by one of the item(s) defined in the Order and Order cells. Checking this box will cause the resulting report to have the data grouped first by the item defined in the Order cell, then followed by the item in the Order 2 cell. Note: If the None option is selected, the report will be created using the standard alphabetical sorting method.
Though grouping can be applied to many of the reports, it is best utilized for the Payroll Register report. For this report you may wish to group your employees by Distribution, then add a subsequent sort (such as Surname or Employee Number).
Available for emailable reports only, click this button to upload the current report to applicable employee's eNETInbox. eNETInbox is a cloud-based storage tool that allows employees to easily view their historical pay statements, T4s, T4As, and RL-1s. Talk with a CanPay Sales representative for more details.
Use this cell to specify the language that will be used for each employee for various reports and pay stubs they will receive. The program supports Canada's two official languages: English and French. Editing the cell displays a drop-down list with the following three options:
Use this cell to instruct the program to create the corresponding report based on the last calculated pay period. Since some reports require a closed pay period in order to calculate their results, leaving this box unchecked may cause some reports to be generated with no data. Note: If you place a check in this box, the Year and Payroll cells will be disabled.
Available for the Pay Statements and Pay Statements (Pressure Seal Mailer) reports only, this cell displays the date on which the statements were last sent to applicable employees. This cell is uneditable and will display one of two items; 1) the most recent sending date for the statements or, 2) it will display Never (indicating that pay statements have never been sent by email).
Available for the Pay Statements and Pay Statements (Pressure Seal Mailer) reports only, this cell displays the number of emails that were successfully sent to applicable employees. This cell is uneditable.
Available for the Pay Statements and Pay Statements (Pressure Seal Mailer) reports only, this cell allows you to view a log of the employees who were emailed a pay statement the last time the Email process was performed. When you choose the View link, a window appears that displays each employee's number, name and email address. You can copy this text to another program or you can print the window contents using the Print icon in the window's toolbar.
Use this cell to control the left-side alignment of the page for your printed cheques and reports. If your printed data needs to be shifted in from the left side of the page, enter a numerical value then generate the report once again to see the effect. The higher the value, the more offset the print will appear. Pixels are used as the unit of measurement. One pixel equals 0.26458333 mm (e.g. 10 pixels = 2.65 mm).
Available for the Employee Profile report only, use this cell to specify miscellaneous items that are to be included in the report. Note: This cell works in tandem with the Options cell - you must have the Misc option selected in the Option cell's checkbox in order to have these miscellaneous items included in the report. Editing the cell displays a drop-down menu where you can choose various items that may be included in the report via its corresponding checkbox. The menu also includes a search box at the top where you can type in a word (or words) and have matching items displayed quickly in the list. The options include:
Use this cell to specify a name for the report for administrative purposes. For example, if you have added the Pay Statements report type and defined its settings to print cheques for office-based staff only, you could name the report Cheques - Office Staff. You can also use the Name cell to help you easily differentiate between two similar reports. For example, if you have two separate reports based on the Employee Profile type, with each one reporting separately on employee vs. employer contributions, you may wish to name them Employee Contributions and Employer Contributions respectively.
Available for the Employee Profile and the three Pay Statement report types only, use this cell to include specific types items in the report. Note: This cell works in tandem with six specific columns in the table (see the list below) - you must have a column's checkbox selected in this cell's drop-down menu in order to have the corresponding item(s) included in the report. Editing the cell displays a drop-down menu where you can choose from several data types that may be included in the report. The menu also includes a search box at the top where you can type in a word (or words) and have matching items displayed quickly in the list. The options include:
Employee Profile Report Options | Pay Statement Report Options (all three reports) | |
Available for all reports (except the following three types: Employee Profile, Journal Entry and Journal Entry Export), use this cell to specify the primary order on which the report's data will be sorted. The options in the list are based on the available employee-level settings (as defined in the Employee - Setup Employee screen). Choosing an option from this cell's drop-down menu will sort the report's data by the selected item defined in the cell. For example, to view a report where the data is sorted by each employee's city of residence, you would choose the City option from the drop-down menu. Note: If the None option is selected, the report will be created using the standard alphabetical sorting method.
Note: When creating the Payroll Register report, this feature can be used in conjunction with the Group option. That is, if the Group cell is activated (i.e. its value is set to Yes), the resulting report will have its data displayed in groups based on the item shown in the Order cell.
Available for all reports (except the following three types: Employee Profile, Journal Entry and Journal Entry Export), use this cell to specify the secondary order on which the report's data will be displayed (with the Primary order being based on the option defined in the Order cell described above). The options in the list are based on the available employee-level settings (as defined in the Employee - Setup Employee screen). This feature can be used only if there is an active sort item selected in the Order cell. Choosing an option from this cell's drop-down menu will sort the report's data by the selected item defined in the cell, but only after the data has been sorted by the item defined in the Order cell first. For example, to view a report that has its data sorted by each employee's city of residence then followed by their last name, you would define the City option in the Order cell, and then the Surname option in the Order 2 cell. Note: If the None option is selected, the report will be created using the standard alphabetical sorting method.
Applicable to PDF reports/statements only, use this cell to specify if the PDF will require a password in order to be opened. There are two types of report passwords:
Use this cell to specify the payroll on which the report will be based. This cell displays a list of the payroll runs that have been calculated based on the value that is selected in the Year column. Each pay run is displayed with a series of identifiable information based on the following format: (pay period / pay sequence) start date - end date : pay type : pay date. Note: If the value in the Last cell is set to Yes (i.e. its checkbox is activated), this cell will not be available for editing.
Available for the two Pay Statements with Cheques reports only, use this cell to specify if the cheque number should be included on the statement.
Clicking this button displays the current report's content in a pop-up window without having to produce a PDF in advance. The window provides a number of useful viewing options such as a text search, zoom, print and more.
Available for the Employee Profile report only, use this cell to specify CRA-related (Receiver General) items that are to be included in the report. Note: This cell works in tandem with the Options cell - you must have the Rev Can option selected in the Option cell's checkbox in order to have these items included in the report. Editing the cell displays a drop-down menu where you can choose various items that may be included in the report via its corresponding checkbox. The menu also includes a search box at the top where you can type in a word (or words) and have matching items displayed quickly in the list. The options include:
Available for the Employee Profile report only, use this cell to specify Revenu Quebec-related items that are to be included in the report. Note: This cell works in conjunction with the Options cell - you must have the Rev Can option selected in the Option cell's checkbox in order to have these items included in the report. Editing the cell displays a drop-down menu where you can choose various items that may be included in the report via its corresponding checkbox. The menu also includes a search box at the top where you can type in a word (or words) and have matching items displayed quickly in the list. The options include:
Use this cell to control the right-side alignment of the page for your printed cheques and reports. If your printed data needs to be shifted in from the right side of the page, enter a numerical value then generate the report once again to see the effect. The higher the value, the more offset the print will appear. Pixels are used as the unit of measurement. One pixel equals 0.26458333 mm (e.g. 10 pixels = 2.65 mm).
Available for the three Pay Statement report types only, use this cell to specify if the employee's Social Insurance Number (SIN) should be included their pay statement. SIN's are not shown on pay statements by default (for privacy purposes), and must be explictly included if needed.
Clicking this button runs a test of the current report to see if your data will pass the requirements for a valid report. This can be useful if you have a detailed payroll and wish to avoid generating a large PDF that may contain data entry items that still need to be reviewed/corrected.
Available for the Pay Statements and Pay Statements (Pressure Seal Mailer) reports only, this cell displays the number of times that emails were sent to applicable employees (i.e. the number of times the Email button was pressed). This cell is uneditable.
This cell displays the number of times the report has been generated. This cell is uneditable and is useful for administrative or training purposes.
Use this cell to control the top alignment of the page for your printed cheques and reports. If your printed data needs to be shifted down from the top of the page, enter a numerical value then generate the report once again to see the effect. The higher the value, the more offset the print will appear. Pixels are used as the unit of measurement. One pixel equals 0.26458333 mm (e.g. 10 pixels = 2.65 mm).
This cell displays the current row's report type. Click on a report title below for a complete description of each type.
Report Name | File Format | Format Description |
Audit Report | Adobe Portable Document Format | |
Calculation Review | Adobe Portable Document Format | |
Cheque Register | Adobe Portable Document Format | |
Cheque Register Export | .CSV | Comma-separated values (.CSV) file |
Employee Profile | Adobe Portable Document Format | |
Employee Profile Export | .CSV | Comma-separated values (.CSV) file |
Generate EFT's | .EFT | Canadian Payments Association CPA 005 1464-byte file format. |
Generate TelPay EFT file | .TPP | TelPay proprietary electronic funds transfer file format |
Journal Entry | Adobe Portable Document Format | |
Journal Entry Export | .CSV | Comma-separated values (.CSV) file |
Payroll Register | Adobe Portable Document Format | |
Payroll Register Export | .CSV | Comma-separated values (.CSV) file |
Pay Statements | Adobe Portable Document Format | |
Pay Statements With Cheques | Adobe Portable Document Format | |
Pay Statements With Cheques 2 | Adobe Portable Document Format | |
Pay Statements (Pressure Seal Mailer) | Adobe Portable Document Format | |
Record of Employment (ROE) | Adobe Portable Document Format | |
Web Record of Employment (ROEWeb) | .BLK | Service Canada ROE payroll extract file format |
Workers Compensation Board (WCB) | Adobe Portable Document Format |
Use this cell to specify the year on which the report should be based. The drop-down list is populated with pay runs that were calculated in the selected year only.
The year that you choose in this cell will determine the pay runs that are presented in the Payroll cell (e.g. if you select 2019 from this drop-down list, payrolls from 2019 only will appear in the Payroll cell). Note: If the value in the Last cell is set to Yes (i.e. its checkbox is activated), this cell will not be available for editing.
See Also