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Contacts (Employer Tab)View the next screen based on the program's menu orderView the previous screen based on the program's menu order

Use this screen to define personnel in your organization who may be contacted if eNETEmployer Services has any questions or concerns regarding your company's use of the eNETEmployer service. You may enter contact persons based on their role in your company (e.g. administrative, technical, accounting, etc.) and if required, eNETEmployer Services will contact the appropriate person based on the nature of the call.

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Common Buttons

Visit the Button Descriptions help page to view detailed descriptions of each button that appears on your screen (whether in the Button Bar at the top of the table, or in the table itself). Note: If a button is unavailable (i.e. its text appears in Gray), either the command is not applicable to the current screen, or its function has already been applied (e.g. you clicked the New button for an item that can only be added one time).

Sample command buttons

The following section of this help page describes the various columns that can appear in the main table on this screen. If you see a column description below that does not appear on your screen, you can add the column to your view by using the Customize option under the Views button (located at the left side of the screen just above the table). Refer to the Customize View help page for more help on this feature.


Use this cell to enter the contact person's email address. Valid email addresses, such as are made up of the name, followed by the @ symbol, followed by a domain. The domain part is not case-sensitive, but the name portion may be, depending on the persons email server settings. Underscores and hyphens are permitted, but other special characters (e.g. #, $, !, quotes and spaces) are not.

Given Name

Use this cell to enter the contact person's first name (also referred to "given name or "personal name"). For example, John Smith's given name is "John". The cell supports special characters - e.g. María-Jose or Günther.


Use this cell to specify the contact person's job designation, such as receptionist, shipper, mechanic, etc. This designation can be used in various reports.


Use this cell to enter the contact person's surname (also referred to "family name or "last name"). For example, John Smith's surname would be entered as Smith. You can also enter surname prefixes for employee names that require one. For example, John Van Houton's surname would be entered as Van Houten. The cell also supports special characters - e.g. O'Leary or Elkjærd.


Use this cell to specify the contact person's phone number. The format of the phone number is "+Country Code (Area Code) Phone Number +Extension". For example, if Joe Smith lives in Winnipeg, MB and his phone number includes an extension of 300, you would enter: 1 204 555-5555 +300.


Use this cell to define the contact person's Courtesy Title or Honorific (e.g. Mr., Miss, Mrs., etc.).


Use this cell to specify the contact person's general job classification. This designation serves two purposes:

  1. It provides an indication of who eNETEmployer Services should contact, based on the type of issue that may arise (e.g. if we encounter an accounting or finance-related issue, we will contact the person who is designated as the Accounting contact).
  2. When you are emailing Pay Statements to your employees, the program will populate the email's From field with the email address of the person who is designated as the Administration contact. If an administration contact is not defined, the program will then use the email address for the Accounts designation contact, followed by the Any designation (if and Account email address does not exist). If only a Technical contact is defined (or no contacts at all), the program will populate the From field with the employee's own email address. The employee's own email address is used as a preventative measure to ensure that the From field contains some sort of valid email address (as many email servers will reject messages that do not have this field defined).